Wednesday, June 29, 2016

East Stockton Urgent Care Center on the Complications of Swimmer’s Ear

With the heat, it’s not surprising why swimming facilities like the Stockton Swim Club are popular with locals. And with the sweltering weather, who wouldn’t want to spend the entire day lapping around in the cool waters of a swimming pool? But as East Stockton urgent care centers warn people, however, prolonged exposure to water can cause a painful ear infection called swimmer’s ear. In a nutshell, this ailment occurs when moisture in the outer ear causes bacteria to proliferate. When this happens, you might experience intense itching, the appearance of discharge, and — in extreme cases — reduced hearing ability. The good news is that swimmer’s ear is not a life-threatening condition. Usually, a doctor will prescribe an antibacterial ear drop to curb the infection.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

East Stockton Urgent Care on the Benefits of a Weekend Farmers’ Market

The San Joaquin Certified Farmers’ Market, in partnership with the Downtown Stockton Alliance, is proud to present the Farmers Markets in Downtown Stockton. The event, happening on all Fridays beginning May 1st to October 30th, features Open Air and Asian Farmers Markets, and aims to celebrate the agricultural sector of Stockton. Various vendors will be joining to showcase their produce and wares, ranging from fruits and vegetables, pastries, meat and poultry, treats, jewelries, and more. Apart from all these goods you can have your fill with, there are a lot of other benefits that you can derive from buying your goods at a Farmers’ Market. Fresh Benefits The most common allure of a farmers’ market is the availability of fresh farm products. Apart from that, the products sold here are most certainly organic and are not genetically modified—something that the food quality-conscious are sure to be wary about.